Summer is crazy ya’ll! And each summer I am constantly looking for Summer Activities to Entertain Toddlers/Preschoolers. Specifically my toddler and preschooler. 🙂 The busier they are the happier I am!
I just (stupidly) took a 10 day vacation alone with my children. Dumbest thing I’ve ever done. If it were up to me I would never leave my house. Ever!
While I am perfectly capable of traveling alone with my children, 10 days and 3 locations was too long and too much. And it didn’t help that Bryce stopped sleeping in a pack n’ play recently. To help make my life, and yours, a little easier I have pulled together 25 Fun Summer Activities to Entertain Your Toddler/Preschooler.
Make and freeze homemade popsicles made with fruit juice
Homemade sprinkler with PVC pipe
Create a wipeout obstacle course – You would have to be crazy to do this, but I just had to include it!!
Kick croquet (you can use half hoola hoop for rings!)
Make a giant outdoor water bed – Also crazy but would be fun for a party!
Play Escape the Volcano – For those rainy days!