A Week In My Life – Day 2

Here’s my massive 6 week old…..
Also, this is the ONLY picture I took today!!!

Day 2 – Tuesday October 23, 2012

4:00 AM

Bryce wakes me up to eat.

7:00 AM

First I have to get myself dressed. This is generally a pair of yoga pants, nursing cami, and v-neck t-shirt. Don’t judge. But today I’m getting my haircut so I feel the need to dress a little nicer. I am trying a new salon and I think it might be a little too trendy for workout clothes.

7:20 AM

Next I feed Bryce, change his diaper and clothes and get him tucked into his car seat downstairs in the kitchen. I am so lucky he loves his car seat. It is a life saver.

7:50 AM

I run downstairs to the garage. I keep forgetting to switch the boys car seats. Noah has really been enjoying his Mother’s Morning Out. He doesn’t cry when I drop him off anymore, and I ‘m even able to drop him off curb side! That has been a huge relief. Getting Bryce and Noah out of the car to walk him inside is a hassle. This is much easier. Noah is supposed to be on the curb side of the car for drop off and pick up for safety reasons. I keep getting dirty looks so I have decided that even if we are late, I am going to switch the seats. I finally get those switched and I am sweating! Ugh!

8:00 AM

I grab Noah’s backpack from the car and head upstairs to pack his lunch and bag. I normally try to do this the night before, but no such luck. I have forgotten again! I also have to get him a new change of clothes, we used his this weekend when he leaked through his diaper at Home Depot. I stop off in the kitchen to make his lunch. I realize that we have no bread! Crap! Actually we have the end pieces left. So I use them to make a cream cheese and jelly sandwich. Ooops, bad momma. Throw in some fresh fruit, the rest of the fruit actually, some raisins, and teddy grahms. I also realize that we are out of juice. Great. I fill a sippy cup up mostly with water. I will grab some apple juice when I stop at Starbucks to get my breakfast and coffee. I throw french toast sticks in the toaster and fill another sippy cup with milk.

8:10 AM

Now it’s up another flight of stairs to the top floor to wake up Noah, get him dressed, and finish packing his backpack. Luckily he LOVES going to school so he is always extra happy on school mornings. I guess I should enjoy this while it lasts. 🙂

8:20 AM

Back downstairs to the kitchen with Noah dressed for school and his bag packed. I take Noah, his french toast sticks, milk and a banana AND his backpack and take him downstairs and put him in the car. Then it’s back upstairs to grab Bryce and the diaper bag AND my bottle of water. Back down to the car! And you wonder why I wear workout clothes…..

8:30 AM

We back out of the driveway on time! It’s a miracle!!

8:33 AM

And we are stopped in traffic. So much for being on time.

8:45 AM

The line at Starbucks is around the corner…. I don’t care.

8:55 AM

I have my tall, decaf, pumpkin spice latte, banana walnut bread, and juice for Noah and we are finally on our way.

9:15 AM

After fighting more traffic I finally make it to Noah’s school. Of course we are too late for drop off so I double park and get both kids out of the car and head inside. I get to his classroom and there is no one there! Seriously?! They were all in the bathroom.

9:25 AM

Bryce and I head to my hair appointment. We get there early and I am able to feed him while sitting in the car. I realize that my gas light is now on. Awesome.

10:15 AM

We head across the street to the gas station before the appointment.

10:30 AM

I get my haircut and Bryce only cries 3 times. The guy does a good job, I need to fix it myself a few times though to make sure I am happy with the cut. But it has been 6 months since I had my haircut, so I’m not being really picky.

11:40 AM

Done with the haircut and decide to head to the mall to look for halloween costumes for the boys.

12:30 PM

I didn’t find any costumes, but I did pick up a few shirts from H&M! Also, grabbed Chick-Fil-A from the food court and leave to go pick up Noah.

12:55 PM

Get Noah and head home.

1:25 PM

Carry Noah upstairs and then head back down to get Bryce and back up again. Stairs suck.

1:35 PM

Hangout in the playroom and nurse Bryce while Noah watches Thomas and Friends.


Noah has apparently lost  his mind. He asks for choo choo even though it’s on in the playroom. I turn it on in the living room and he cries “no,no,no.” I turn it off. He cries and points to the TV and says choo choo over and over. I turn it on and he cries, “no,no,no.” I am seriously losing my mind…..

2:30 PM

I give up. It’s time for Noah to take a nap!!!

2:45 PM

Both boys are asleep. I head downstairs to paint more of the lamp for the playroom. Back upstairs and grab the computer to work on the blog.

4:00 PM

Feed Bryce.

5:00 PM

I start cleaning the kitchen and straightening up the downstairs.

5:30 PM

Noah wakes up, bad mood is still here. Great.


Noah plays on the floor while I cook dinner and clean. Bryce is in his car seat on the counter. Pandora is playing on my phone and I have already poured a glass of wine.

6:30 PM

Eric is finally home. He tries to handle the insane toddler and help finish preparing dinner while I feed Bryce.

7:00 PM

We finally all sit down to eat dinner. It goes relatively ok, Noah manages to eat most of his food.


Bath time! I take Noah up for his bath, he pretty much cries the entire time. I realize that it is probably his 2nd year molars. I hate teeth. Teeth are evil. Give him some Tylenol.


Finally it’s bedtime. Noah goes to sleep without giving us too much grief. We head downstairs to watch TV. Eric has an NBA fantasy draft so he uses my laptop and I talk to my cousin on the phone for a little bit while rocking Bryce.

9:00 PM

Feed Bryce….again.

Watch TV and work on the blog.

10:45 PM

Head upstairs and take a bath. Ahhhhhhhh


Bryce is hungry again. Quick feeding.

11:45 PM

I am pretty sure I am sound asleep before my head hits the pillow.