I was going to wait until the end of the post to share this, but I can’t wait. I love, love, love my new ergo baby carrier!!!!! Click here and here to see my initial research on choosing a baby carrier.
Eric, Noah and I went to a baseball game on Tuesday night. Go Noles!! They beat the Gators 5-2, woo hoo! This was the perfect opportunity to try out the new carrier. I really had mixed feelings about it at first. I was kind of hoping I wouldn’t like it, so I could return it and get my money back. I still find it hard to spend $100 on a baby carrier. Luckily with the deal that I used and the VISA gift card I happened to have I didn’t have to really spend that much, but still, it was a lot of money. Regardless, the Diapers.com box I was saving to return it in is out on the curb now, because I am never letting this baby go!! I carried Noah for about 2 1/2 hours. Some of that time I was sitting down, but even holding him while sitting kills my back. Not so with this carrier, he could sit comfortably against me and sleep while in the carrier and it didn’t kill my back! I was amazed.
The only thing I have yet to check out is how hot this carrier might get. As you can see from the picture it was a little chilly outside, so it actually helped keep him warm. I can say that just from wearing it around the house, it is cooler than the moby wrap. When he sleeps in the wrap we both end up sweating, which is why I rarely use it anymore. I took another picture of him in the wrap though, it was just too cute. I wanted to try on the wrap and then the ergo baby to compare. They are close in comfort and support, but the ergo baby wins for ease of use. I can easily sit in the backseat and put him in it with no problem. I have read that it gets a little more complicated when you wear him on your back, but we will have to wait awhile before we figure that out.