I’m not going to lie y’all, summer has been rough! I managed to schedule a week of camp every other week for most of the summer. Those weeks have been taxing to say the least. It didn’t take but a few to realize that I was going to need to get creative. So I came up with #TheDayofTrick. After some VERY stressful weeks without camp we were going to change things up. The next week I decided that Friday was going to be The Day of Noah. That meant that all decisions that day were going to be made by Noah. He was allowed to pick out his and Bryce’s clothes!
A photo posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
He decided where we ate lunch and to go get frozen yogurt afterwards.
And now? @catchairmarietta #TheDayOfNoah A photo posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
And then we were off to Catch Air an indoor play area. The Day of Noah was so much fun! Of course I didn’t let him go crazy. I ultimately had control of the situation but all the while I was saying, “Ok Noah, today is your day, whatever you want to do we will do!” He was so excited!
Today is the #DayofBryce !! He makes all the decisions INCLUDING what he and Noah are wearing. 😂
A photo posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
Then the next week it was Bryce’s turn! It’s a little bit harder with the younger ones but as long as you give them options they can handle it. Instead of asking where we were going to eat, I would ask “Do you want to go to Chick-Fil-A or Uncle Maddio’s for lunch?” He also had a blast picking out his big brothers clothes! 😉
The #DayofBryce continues at the Legoland Discovery Center! @ldcatlanta A photo posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
Since I had a little more control with where Bryce chose I looked up groupons and coupons and gave him the choice of going to Legoland or the zoo! He of course chose Legoland. 🙂
It appears that the #DayofBryce was a success!!!
A photo posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
Apparently the excitement and power was just more than he could handle. 😉
So far #TheDayofNoah is a success! Next stop catch air! A photo posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
We continued the #TheDayofTrick for the rest of the summer weeks and it never failed to be useful. Mostly for me it gave me a bargaining tool through out the week. Whenever someone wasn’t listening or would do what I asked I would respond, “Oh no, I guess we won’t be able to have #TheDayofNoah or #TheDayofBryce this week, because only good little boys that listen to their mommy get to have special days.” Worked like a freaking charm!!!
😂 I don’t think they quite understand how this works LOL
A video posted by Tracy- The UnCoordinated Mommy (@uncoordmommy) on
The best part was that I had a blast too. It gave us some purpose, and that is what is most frustrating about summer. There is no schedule and no purpose, which can be a good thing, but can get old real fast! Thankfully the boys start school on Monday!!!! I will be throwing a freaking fiesta y’all!!! There were times I didn’t think we would make it, but we did it. We survived summer.
What tricks did you use to survive this summer? If it’s not over for you and you decide to give this a try, make sure to use #TheDayofTrick hashtag for everyone to see and tag me (@uncoordmommy on Instagram and Twitter) so I can follow the fun!!