This is a quick post to share the little heart crayons Noah and Bryce gave away for Valentine’s Day a few years ago.
Here is the tutorial I used to make them! They really don’t require a tutorial though. Just put them in heart shaped silicone pans for 15 minutes at 230 degrees. Let them cool and pop them out! Super easy, but also super cute! Also, I’m excited about the extras because these are perfect for little hands to color with! Also to save your fingernails, use an X-acto knife or sharp kitchen knife to carefully cut down one side of the crayon and pop off the wrapper. Then you can break them up and add them to the pan. For a larger class you can use this 12 heart silicone mold or for less kids who are younger use the 6 heart silicone mold. They even make a 24 heart silicone mold. Also, Crayola makes single color refill packs, so you could multiple packs of these and have all pink hearts!
Just drop these in little plastic treat baggies and staple the table tent cards to the top. Viola!
Hope y’all have a Happy Valentine’s Day!