It is taking me many tissues to write this post. Before anybody freaks out my little Noah is completely 100% healthy. But there was another little boy named Noah who has a different story to share, and I want to tell you his story today.

This little Noah loved legos, and star wars, and loved to ask questions. Very much like my little Noah.

But that’s where the similarities end. Just after he turned six, this little Noah was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

And he fought, oh how he fought. “The Force is strong with this one,” they say.

The force was just as strong with his mother. Her brutiful words here tell of their story from the beginning and why she has chose to fight this fight for her son and now for others.
When they told us that they saw a tumor on his MRI and that he needed to have surgery immediately. “Do you biopsy it?” I asked. The neurosurgeon looked at me as if I had three heads. He said “It’s cancer, there is no need.” As I picked my heart up off the floor, brain surgery was scheduled for 7 am.
Noah went home to heaven on May 29, 2012, he didn’t lose – he won.

If you are wondering how amazing this little boy is then read these words from his mother.
Noah once said “Mom, what if this is all just a dream.” What baby? “I think we start in Heaven… have this thing called life on Earth, then poof…we open our eyes and we are all still in Heaven together – earth was all a dream.” I agree baby…I agree.
Noah’s Light Foundation was started while Noah was fighting his battle and as it continues it is doing amazing things! Last year the FDA approved The NOAH Protocol which is just the most amazing thing ever. Earlier this year the first two patients were enrolled in The NOAH Protocol Phase I trial.
Noah’s light continues to shine and I am asking you to help! This February I will be running a half marathon in support of the Noah’s Light Foundation. I am raising $2,000 to help support meaningful research that promotes the immune system to fight cancer at its source. Any amount is appreciated! $5, $10, $20 Whatever you can commit goes so far in helping these children. We NOAH Cure Is Possible!