How to pack a diaper bag

How To Pack a Diaper BagHow To Pack a Diaper Bag

I sincerely apologize for the absense of How To Tuesdays. As I mentioned earlier life gets a little crazy sometimes.

But have no fear, I am back on track and able to work on my How To- posts.

Today we bring you How To Pack a Diaper Bag. I have separated this post into two lists. One for a Newborn – 6 Mo. Old and one for a 6 Mo. +

Newborn – 6 Mo. Old

  • 4-6 Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Changing Mat (Reusable or Disposable)
  • Sani-Wipes (Whole container or 3-4 in a Ziploc bag to save room)
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • 1-2 additional outfits
  • ETA: Socks and Gas Drops
  • At least 1 bottle of breast milk or formula (unless your exclusively nursing)
  • Hand Pump, if you are still nursing ( I kept one of these in a separate bag in my car at all times)
  • A light receiving blanket (Even if it’s a hundred degrees outside it still can get pretty cold inside)
  • 2-3 burp cloths (More if your baby spits up a lot like mine did)
  • 2-3 Pacifiers (If your baby takes one)
  • Wubba-Nub or Binky Buddy
  • Bags for Dirty Diapers (Arm and Hammer makes these on a roll – Love them!)
  • Wet bag for dirty/wet clothes or cloth diapers (optional – you can also use the diaper bags above)
  • 1 or 2 toys
  • Teething Toys – If teething (We combined these two options with Sophie La Giraffe)

Luckily, once your baby gets older the number of items you actually need on hand is minimal. When Noah was younger I didn’t dare go into a store or to lunch without my fully loaded diaper bag, but now that he is older I stick a few things in my purse (or a smaller bag) and keep a diaper bag in the car for emergencies. The list below reflects what I carry in my purse, I still keep a diaper bag with the items listed above in my car.

Keep in mind that there are a few items that can’t “live” in your car. Obviously you will need to remember to put the breastmilk or formula in. If you live in a really hot climate (like I do) you shouldn’t even store powdered formula in it. A day or two wouldn’t be that bad, but weeks in a 110 degree car might cause problems. Also, once your child gets older, the change of clothes isn’t needed quite as often, but still a necessity. You should remember to check every now and then and make sure that the change of clothes you have in your car will still fit your child. Trust me, I learned this the hard way!

6 Mo. + (Light Packing)

  • 1-2 Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Changing Mat (Disposable or Reusable)
  • Snacks
  • Burp Cloth
  • Bib
  • Pacifiers
  • Sani-Wipes
  • Toys

I’ve made a few custom accessories to make keeping this stuff seperate in my purse. I will update this post with links to tutorials and pictures once I have created them. You can take a changing pad and place a small wipes case and a diaper in it before you roll it up. This way you can grab it out of your purse quickly when needed. Also a small makeup bag is great for holding pacifiers, snacks etc.

I hope this list helps. I know before Noah was born I was so excited to pack my diaper bags (yes plural!! I was and still kind of am obsessed with diaper bags) and I had no idea what to put in them.

Please, please, please post comments letting me know what your must have item is! And also if I have left anything out!


Update: Now that I have managed to try about a billion diaper bags I want to share with you my two favorite picks! For the light load, and this works even with two kids I always carry my Columbia backpack diaper bag.

And to carry around everything and the kitchen sink I carry the Carters Zip Front Tote diaper bag.

Also this Skip Hop Diaper Clutch is awesome!! I use this in both bags. It organizes your diapers and wipes and is a changing pad! It also has a strap for your wrist this makes carrying a baby and the essentials to the bathroom so much easier. No need to lug the bag and dig everything out!