I had a lot of fun with this weeks Project 52 photo. It didn’t turn out exactly how I imagined it in my head, but I am pretty happy with it. 🙂
This weeks theme was “Up.” First thing I thought of was the animated movie “Up.” So when we left the house Thursday morning our first stop was to pick up some balloons. Noah, of course, was thrilled. He loved staring at the balloons in the back of the car all day. I was going to take him out to the beach and get some cool shots of him with the balloons, but it was really windy and there was no way the balloons were going to float up. This weeks theme wasn’t “sideways.” LOL
I ran across this great plantation that is really close to my house. I have no idea how I didn’t know it was there. I had driven past the historical marker sign like a billions times and I just decided to turn down the road and see what it was like. Boy am I glad I did!! This place was great! There were old structures all over the place. I can’t wait to go back and take more pictures!
So here is my vision of the word “UP.” Enjoy!