Help Kids Make Good Decisions

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 Help kids Make Good Decisions
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

This verse always reminds me of the WWJD bracelets from when we were younger. When our kids are faced with a decision we want them to frame it with “What Would Jesus Do?” I’m always harping, make good decisions! Sometimes that is easier said than done and kids might need a little help slowing down and stopping to think. Here are few ways that you can learn to help kids make good decisions.

God’s word is a lamp to shine light on our next steps. For instance, someone has just said something mean to me. How do I respond? What are my next steps? By helping your kids memorize scriptures, they are learning tools they can use to make good decisions.

God’s word is also a light on my path. What is the direction we are headed in. The decisions we make collectively add up and some are bigger and more impactful than others.

Good Decisions vs. Bad Decisions

This is also a great opportunity to talk about light vs dark. Good vs bad. Take a moment and shine a light on your actions and the actions of those around you. Would God be proud or sad? Shine the light on the actions of our friends. It’s really important to let your children point out who around them makes good decisions and who makes bad decisions. As a parent when you are pointing this out to your kids you are lecturing and judging their friends. If they can come to these conclusions on their own it will be much more powerful. It can be helpful to prompt them though if they aren’t coming to the conclusions on their own. 😉

“The other day when you were playing football in the front yard and everyone got upset, let’s talk about what happened. Who was making good decisions? How do you know that was a good decision? Who was making a bad decision? How so?”

Make Good Decisions

Spend the week memorizing this verse and talking about what choices they are making to help your kids make good decisions. Have a great week!!

Check out this post on helping your child have a relationship with God.