I respect the turkey! I respect it so much that I might end up with two this year. 🙂 That’s right my belly button is about to pop and I think this little turkey is cooked.
Noah might just be joining us in the next week or so. I had a doctors appointment on Monday and things have already started to progress a little. It could still be a while and I am trying hard not to get my hopes up, but well, considering I am MISERABLE, my hopes are really high. We do have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow so I should probably find out what size my little birdie is. Will we be having a 7 pounder?? Who knows!?
Unfortunately since this is all so up in the air, we have to stay in J-ville for Thanksgiving. So I am preparing to cook my first Thanksgiving dinner…..for two and a half! This part will be interesting, we are going to have a ton of turkey left over! I can pretty much monitor how much of the side dishes I make, but a turkey is a turkey. If you want the whole bird your going to have a lot leftover. I guess the good news is that there will be lots of people in my house once Noah’s born and they can help eat all the leftovers!! And I know it’s just Eric and I, but I have been dying to make this pumpkin cheesecake for the past month or two (even though I don’t like cheesecake…..weird) but Thanksgiving isn’t Thanksgiving without pecan pie. So we will have a cheesecake and pie for just two people.
Who wants to bet that all the miserable standing in the kitchen preparing all of this food ends up making me go into labor?? That’s probably what will happen and then I won’t get to eat any. 🙁 But I guess that’s better than the alternative….. stuffing yourself with a huge Thanksgiving meal only to go into labor a couple of hours later. Yuck!
Tracy – 36 weeks pregnant!!
PS – The fact that I respect the turkey is shown in the post by not mentioning the next holiday that is coming at all. I respect it too, if not more, but I will wait until November 26th!!