Learning to Quilt – Part 1

You may have noticed a new button on my sidebar. That’s right I’m learning to free motion quilt. I found this awesome blog that is doing a quilt along, where every couple of days the blogger explains another step in the free motion quilting process. Now, I already know how to piece together a quilt. I actually have the pieces for a quilt that I started a long time ago, but I was too intimidated to try and put everything together and finish it. And I recently started a new super secret project that requires me to know how to free motion quilt. I’ll post about that in about a month, when it’s not so secret anymore. So, thankfully, along came this blog. Hopefully I will be able to figure this out, and all of ya’ll can watch me as I either become a master quilter, or crash and burn. We’ll all just have to wait and see……..

The best part about all of this is that she goes through every single step to get you ready to quilt. My favorite is this tutorial on how to clean your sewing machine. It’s scary that I didn’t know how to do this, because that means that I have never done it. No wonder I hate my sewing machine so much. It is rebelling because I have not been taking proper care of it!!!

-Tracy (25 weeks pregnant and learning to be a better mom to my sewing machine as well as Noah)