This is just a short post to update on how things have been with Noah going to the mother’s morning out program at our church and the other little bits and pieces of our lives.
The mother’s morning out program has been AWESOME!! Seriously, it really has been. There have been some bumps in the road of course, but overall? Wow, amazing. He still cries a little when I drop him off and I feel guilty, but it’s getting easier. Every time is better. Now he stops crying before I even make it to the door. The workers are great at getting him interested in something else and he is fine the rest of the time. They said at first that when parents came early, or the director stopped in to check on things, he would remember I was gone and cry a little, but it wouldn’t last for long. For a while there he would cry when I came to pick him up. I would peek through the door and see him happily playing, but as soon as he saw me his face would get red and he would cry. Not so this week!! Both days he jumped up and down smiling and clapping his hands. And this Thursday I was able to stand in the back of the room and watch him listen to a story with all his classmates. Let me tell you, my mommy heart swelled until it about burst. That was the sweetest thing ever. AND I was able to snap a photo for Eric to see too!
As for me? I have been able to get so much more done and I’m not as exhausted trying to do it all with Noah. I generally tend to split it up. I will drop him off and head to the nearest Starbucks and work on the blog (now blogs(plural) more news to come soon) for about an hour and then run whatever Noah-free errand I need to run. Generally that’s grocery shopping. Going to the grocery store toddler free is truly a wonderful thing. I completely forgot how amazing it is to focus and concentrate while shopping. 🙂 I’m also trying to take advantage of the fact that this is “me” time right now. Pretty soon it will be “Bryce” time. So of course there has been the occasional mani/pedi and next week I think I might go get a massage. 🙂 You know since I’m 36 weeks pregnant and my birthdays coming up I think I’m entitled. 😉 Also, just for kicks here is a photo of my belly! It’s getting pretty big!!
And since I have been so busy washing all the clothes for Bryce I got Noah to hold up one of his newborn outfits. The picture is a little fuzzy, but you get the idea. Gah!! I don’t know what’s more shocking, that Bryce is going to be that small or that Noah used to be that small! Craziness I tell you, just craziness!
As if we don’t have enough stuff going on, preseason has begun! That means Eric is running around like a crazy man. Since this is his first season with the Falcons there is a lot to learn as each team does things differently. I am trying to be a calm, supportive, wonderful wife. Pregnancy kind of gets in the way sometimes, but I’m trying, really I am. We went to the first game last week and Noah had a blast! If he said football (ba-ball) one time he said it a million! I only made it through the first half, I was exhausted, but I’m pretty sure Noah could have made it the whole game. And we left at 9:30!! He didn’t even fall asleep on the way home!
It’s times like these though that I really wish we had family here or knew more people, because I really could have used the help with Noah. I get winded so easily these days and as we were leaving Noah insisted on being carried all the way to the car. It was sweet because he completely melted on me, but I have to basically sit him on Bryce now and it was incredibly uncomfortable. I did realize though that I am pretty much a pro at taking an infant and now toddler to sporting events and have come up with some pretty great tips. I will be posting on that soon. 🙂
Hope everyone is doing great!!