Very Pinteresting: Help Me Clean My House

Very Pinteresting is a weekly series I will be posting while I try to figure out how to handle two children AND take care of my family/home AND blog AND make new things for my Etsy shop ALL at the same time. It’s kind of a blogging maternity leave, if you will. Each Monday, in place of Must-Have-Monday’s I will be featuring one of my Pinterest Boards. The coolest thing about this is that the boards are linked with Pinterest! That means even though I will be scheduling all of these posts prior to Bryce’s birth, the boards and therefore the posts will be up to date no matter when you view them! I am sure that I will be surfing Pinterest during those 3:00AM feedings and find lots of wonderful things for you guys. 🙂 I hope you enjoy.

Pinterest Help Me Clean My House

The first Pinterest Board I am sharing with you is “Help Me Clean My House.” This board is full of wonderful links to blogs and websites with tutorials and ideas on how to clean your house. It includes lots of money saving tips, natural cleaning recipes, as well as some great tips on getting those nasty stains out of your life! 🙂

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